The American University of Paris’ leaders serve to advance AUP’s mission and work toward the achievement of our strategic plan to maintain our unique hybrid and global identity in the world of higher education. From defining an overall vision to managing administrative functions, the President, Board of Trustees and Leadership Team and other governing bodies guide the University to maintain high standards and go beyond what is expected.

The President
Professor Sonya Stephens, an exceptional academic leader and internationally recognized scholar of 19th-century French literature, took on her function as president of AUP in September 2022. Stephens has long been devoted to advancing liberal arts education and is a highly skilled academic, fundraiser, administrator and community builder in the context of higher education. As President, she represents the University to all its constituencies, including the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, students, alumni, families, friends and partners, and takes the lead in articulating the strategic vision and goals, working closely with the senior team.
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of The American University of Paris whose role is to make policy and give direction to our institution. It oversees the execution of our strategic plan, makes decisions about appointments and investments, raises funds strenuously, and performs the crucial governance function of oversight. At present, the board has over 20 members, a quarter of whom are alumni of the University, and three of whom are parents of AUP students.
Leadership Team
AUP’s Leadership Team is composed of six senior administrators who work to execute the University’s strategic goals and initiatives. With years of professional experience in their field, they manage AUP’s administrative functions: Academic Affairs; Finance and Administration; Student Services; Enrollment Management; IT Services; and Outreach, Advancement and Communication.
The Graduate Program Review Board
The Graduate Program Review Board consists of the program directors of each graduate program. It meets regularly to discuss how graduate programs and the graduate experience in general, can be further improved. The goal of such boards is always to enrich student experience. The review board includes all program directors:
- Tanya Elder | MA in Global Communications
- Susan Perry | MA in International Affairs and MA in Diplomacy & International Law
- Claudia Roda | MSc in Human Rights and Data Science
- Albert Cath | MSc in International Management
- Waddick Doyle | MSc in Strategic Brand Management
Graduate Student Council is a great chance to take on a leadership role during your studies.

Members of the GSC work alongside the Undergraduate Student Council to promote engagement on campus.

Graduate Student Council
Graduate Students can also become leaders at AUP through their implication in student government, specifically as members of the Graduate Student Council, which represents the needs and concerns of the graduate student community by liaising with student development and academic affairs, and organizing social and other events.