Clubs and Activities
At AUP, Graduate Programs are not only about pursuing your academic interests at a higher level. They also offer the opportunity to refine your professional goals, take on leadership roles, pursue your personal interests and make friends, thanks in part to involvement in student clubs and activities.

Given the size of our institution and our deeply intercultural student community, Graduate and Undergraduate students often come together to pursue their hobbies, passions and interests. Many join or create their own clubs and activities which are supported by the Student Government and funded by AUP's annual student activities budget of 100,000 euros.
From AUP Green to Black and Abroad to AUP Music and Performance, the University supports clubs and other student-led initiatives every step of the way, providing financial and material resources as well as faculty sponsors. In addition, the Student Leadership Office provides information and connects you with the right people to expand your organization, enhance it, or maybe even get a new project started.
For graduate students, being a part of a co-curricular activity is an opportunity for gaining leadership experience, professional development and to meet people in the context of an international student body with similar interests but often very different backgrounds. In fact, we consider that graduate students are the ideal students to organize, mentor and lead clubs and activities on campus. Some leadership roles are even specifically reserved for them, such as:
Graduate Student Council:
The Student Government Association (SGA) Executive Team is comprised of the Undergraduate Student Council (USC) and the Graduate Student Council (GSC). Each council consists of four members: President, Vice President, Communications Director, and Social Director. The Treasurer is an independent member of the SGA Executive team, serving the entire student government. The position of Treasurer is open to both Graduate and Undergraduate Students.
Graduate students involved represent the needs and concerns of the graduate student community, liaise with student development staff members and academic affairs, and organize social and other events.
Peacock media board:
One of the University’s largest student-run organizations, Peacock Media represents the voices of AUP students via the Peacock Plume and its online, print, and digital platforms. Peacock Media is at the heart of AUP’s multicultural, urban campus, dedicated to producing high-quality, professional content that connects students, faculty, alumni, and the world and relies heavily on the dedicated involvement of graduate students.
Whether you are looking to practice a physical activity, to take your academic interests beyond the walls of the classroom, or to fight for a cause, the possibilities depend only on your own desire to make it happen.
Clubs like Campus Unicef allow students to carry out campus outreach assignments that support causes they believe in.

With multiple publications that range from news to poetry, writers and editors will find plenty of clubs to enjoy.

Sports is also growing on campus, with clubs for basketball, volleyball, futsal and hiking.

Groups like Vivre Arts are particularly popular with students.