Claudia Roda
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- Graduate Program(s) : Human Rights and Data Science
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Claudia Roda is Professor of Computer Science, Director of the Master’s program in Human Rights and Data Science, and the co-founder of the Technology and Cognition Lab and the Working Group on Human Rights and Digital Technology at The American University of Paris. She holds the UNESCO Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights with Prof. Perry, and serves on the Research Advisory Board of the International Association of Privacy Professionals.
Professor Roda’s research, which has been widely published and sponsored by several organizations including the European Commission and the Andrew Mellon Foundation, focuses on the impact of digital technology on human behaviour and social structure. Professor Roda has explored theoretical and applied models for attention computing and her current research evolves from her earlier work on the design, implementation, and validation of multi-agent systems supporting cognitive and social processes for learning and collaboration.
After a bachelor degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, she obtained a Master and PhD in Engineering from the University of London (Queen Mary and Westfield College), where she also worked at the first EU-sponsored research project on multi-agent systems. She continued her research in this field as a Senior Research Fellow at INSEAD in the Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies. In 1997 she joined the AUP where she teaches courses in programming languages, human-computer interaction, and human rights and digital technology. She was Director of the Division of Arts and Science from 2008 to 2011, Director of the collaboration between The American University of Paris and The New School (NY, USA) from 2010 to 2013, and Dean from 2015 to 2018.
See also: Professor Roda on Ethical Approaches to AI
- BS, Università di Pisa, Italy
- MS, PhD, University of London, UK
Invited speaker: AI competencies for human rights protection: Empowering (digital) citizens - UNESCO's Digital Learning Week 2024, 2-5 September 2024 Paris
Panelist: Nations United? Global AI Governance Initiatives at AI Governance Global 2024 conference, organized by the International Association of Privacy Professionals. 4-5 June 2024, Brussels
Panelist: Tackling bias and championing inclusion at Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Futures Conference, organized by Expertise France and the Agence française de développement (AFD). Paris, March 26, 2024
Panelist: AI for Good: Fantasy or Reality? at the conference on Artificial intelligence, Regulation and Human Rights, organized by the Agence française de développement (AFD). Paris, January 30, 2024 (Conference video)
- Roda, C., Kung, A., Tsormpatzoudi, P., Preparing for AI regulations: A quick look at available frameworks, IAPP News, April 3 2024 (online).
- Roda, C., Mental Privacy and Integrity, IAPP News, July 3 2024 (online). 2023
- Roda, C., Stone, R., Kung, A. (forthcoming) Standardization for high impact technologies: why citizens should care in Ljubiša Bojić, Jörg Matthes, Damian Trilling, Simona Žikić (editors) Emerging Technologies & Society: A Multidisciplinary Outlook. 2021
- Roda, C., Perry S. (2021). Learning in Lockdown: Teaching Human Rights Practice During the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Human Rights Practice, Volume 13, Issue 3, November 2021, Pages 690–702 2020
- Roda, C. “Are We at the Helm?” Contemporary French & Francophone Studies. Anne-Marie Picard and Roger Célestin (Ed.) Special Issue The Google Era? /L’ère Google? forthcoming (2020). 2019 2019
- Roda, C. “Are We at the Helm?” Contemporary French & Francophone Studies. Anne-Marie Picard and Roger Célestin (Eds.) Special Issue The Google Era? /L’ère Google? 23 (4): 425–30. 2015
- Perry, S., Roda C. (2015). Valuing Privacy through Privacy by Design. In proceedings Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2015 2014
- Roda C. (2014). Économiser l’attention dans l’interaction homme-machine. In Yves Citton (Ed) "L'économie de l'attention : Nouvel horizon du capitalisme?" La Découverte, Paris p. 179 - [manuscript pdf]
- Perry, S., Roda, C. Teaching Privacy by Design to Non-Technical Audiences. Cyber Security and Privacy (CSP) Forum 2014. Springer CCIS series, forthcoming
- Roda, C., Perry, S. (2014) Mobile Phone Infrastructure Regulation in Europe: Scientific Challenges and Human Rights Protection. Environmental Science and Policy 37(2014) 204-214 - [manuscript pdf]
- Roda C., Orozco F. (2014) Privacy and unintended consequences of online narrative (Abstract) Narrative Matters: Narrative Knowing / Récit et savoir; 23 to 27 June 2014 - University Paris Diderot, France
- Roda C. (2014) What’s mine in my images? A tour of the use and misuse of photographic images online (Abstract) “Image not Available”: Networked Visuality and Its Limits, International conference; 10 May 2014 Paris 2013
- Perry S., Roda C. (2013) Conceptualizing and Contextualizing the Changing Nature of Internet Usage in China. China and the New Internet World: The Eleventh Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC11) - Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, 15th June 2013
- Roda C., Stojanov G., Kianfar D. (2013) Effects of Task Switching on Creativity Tests. Proceedings AAAI Spring Symposium 2013: Creativity and (Early) Cognitive Development. Stanford University, Stanford, California [pdf]
- Lee H., Young T., Roda C. (2013) E-Books Usability: Reading Time and Comprehension (Abstract). The Tablet Symposium: Examining New Media Objects - University of Sussex, 10th April 2013 [pdf] 2012
- Molenaar I., Roda C., van Boxtel C., Sleegers P. (2012) Dynamic scaffolding of socially regulated learning in a computer-based learning environment. Computers & Education 59 (2012) 515–523 2011
- Roda, C. Ed.(2011), Human Attention in Digital Environments. Cambridge University Press. 30th best seller academic book on the January 2012 issue of YBT – Baker & Taylor. 6th best seller in Computer Science in the February 2012 issue of the Library Journal
- Molenaar, I., Roda C. (2011) Attention management for dynamic and adaptive scaffolding (re-print of 2008 article) in Itiel E. Dror editor - Technology Enhanced Learning and Cognition - Benjamins. pp. 51–96 2010
- Roda, C. (2010) Attention support in digital environments, nine questions to be addressed. New Ideas in Psychology, Volume 28, Issue 3, December 2010, Pages 354-364 Elsevier [pdf]
- Mann, S., Muller, L., Davis, J., Roda C., Young, A. (2010) Computing and Sustainability: Evaluating Resources for Educators. inroads - SIGCSE Bulletin, Volume 41, Number 4, January 2010, pp.144-155 [pdf] 2008
- Molenaar, I., Roda C. (2008) Attention management for dynamic and adaptive scaffolding. Pragmatics & Cognition 16(2) - Technology & Cognition series, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 225–271 [pdf]
- Roda, C., & Nabeth, T. (2008). Attention management in organizations: Four levels of support in information systems. In A. Bounfour (Ed.), Organisational capital: Modelling, measuring, contextualising: Routledge - advanced research series in management, pp. 214-233 2007
- Roda, C., & Nabeth, T. (2007) Supporting Attention in Learning environments: Attention Support Services, and Information Management. Proceedings Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2007). 17-20 September 2007, Crete, Greece
- Roda, C. and M. Zajicek. Attention Management in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (Introduction to the AMUCE 2007 Workshop). in AMUCE 2007 Workshop; Ubicomp 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. 2007. Innsbruck, Austria.
- Damien Clauzel, Claudia Roda, Laurent Ach, and Benoit Morel (2007) Attention Based, Naive Strategies, for Guiding Intelligent Virtual Agents. Proceedings IVA2007 7th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (Poster section). 17th - 19th September 2007, Paris France, pp. 369-370
- Laukkanen, J., Roda, C., & Molenaar, I. (2007) Modelling tasks: a requirements analysis based on attention support services. Proceedings of the Workshop on Contextualized Attention Metadata: personalized access to digital resources CAMA 2007 at the ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 17-23, 2007 – Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Roda, C. (2007). Supporting attention with dynamic user models (extended abstract). Proceedings Interactivist Summer Institute 2007, Paris, May 26-29, 2007 2006
- Roda, C., & Nabeth, T. (2006) Attention Management in Virtual Community Environments. Proceedings Journée de recherche de l’AIM (Association Information et Management) « Innovation et Systèmes d’Information » October 6 2006
- Roda, C., Stojanov, G., & Clauzel, D. (2006). Mind-prosthesis metaphor for design of human-computer interfaces that support better attention management. Proceedings AAAI 2006 Fall Symposium on Interaction and Emergent Phenomena in Societies of Agents, Arlington, Virginia, pp. 52-59.
- Roda, C., & Nabeth, T. (2006). The atgentive project: Attentive agents for collaborative learners. Proceedings First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning EC-TEL'06, 1-4 October 2006, Crete, Greece. pp. 685 - 690. Springer LNCS 4227.
- Clauzel, D., Roda, C., & Stojanov, G. (2006). Tracking task context to support resumption. Proceedings of the HCI 2006 workshop on computer assisted recording, pre-processing, and analysis of user interaction data. London, UK. 12.9.2006, pp.43-54.
- Nabeth, T., C. Roda (2006). Les espaces sociaux virtuels: approches, pratiques émergentes et perspectives. Invited chapter in the book Capital Immatériel, Connaissance et Performance, Ahmed Bounfour Editor, L'Harmattan. pp. 225-265
- Roda, C., & Thomas, J. (2006). Attention Aware Systems: Theories, Applications, and Research Agenda. Computers in Human Behavior, 22(4) p.557-587, Elsevier.
- Roda, C. and J. Thomas (2006) Attention Aware Systems, Introduction to the special issue. Special Issue of the journal Computers in Human Beaviour, 22(4) p. 555-556, Elsevier. 2005
- Roda, C., Nabeth, T. (2005) The role of attention in the design of Learning Management Systems IADIS International Conference CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age) Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 148 - 155.
- Nabeth, T., Razmerita, L., Angehrn, A., & Roda, C. (2005) InCA: a Cognitive Multi-Agents Architecture for Designing Intelligent & Adaptive Learning Systems, Computer Science and Information Systems, COMSIS Publisher, Volume 2 Issue 2 (December 2005), pp. 99 - 114.
- Nabeth, T., Angehrn , A., Mittal P.K., Roda, C. (2005) Using artificial agents to stimulate participation in virtual communities Proceedings IADIS International Conference CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age), Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 391 - 394
- Roda, C., & Thomas, J. (2005). Attention Aware Systems. In C. Ghaoui (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of HCI. (pp. 38-44). IDEA Group.
- Roda, C., Borel, A. M., Gentchev E., Thomas, J. (2005) Digital image library development in academic environment: designing and testing usability. OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives, v. 21, no. 4, pp. 264 - 284
- Gentchev, E., Roda, C. (2005) A shift of accent in introductory Object Oriented Programming. International Scientific Congress on Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Marine Industry. MEEMI, 2005, Varna Bulgaria.
- Thomas, J., & Roda, C. (2005). Digital Interactivity: various points of view. In C. Ghaoui (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of HCI, (pp. 686-691). IDEA Group. 2004
- Roda, C. (2004). Participatory system design as a tool for learning. Proceedings IADIS International Conference CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age), Lisbon, Portugal. 366-372
- Razmerita, L., Angehrn, A., Nabeth, T., & Roda, C. (2004). INCA: an intelligent cognitive agent-based framework for adaptive and interactive learning. Proceedings IADIS International Conference CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age), Lisbon, Portugal. 373-38.
- Roda, C., & Thomas, J. (2004). Designing for attention. Proceedings HCI2004 Designing for Life - 18th British HCI group Annual Conference, Leeds, UK. Vol. 2 249-250 2003
- C. Roda, J. Thomas (2003) "Digital Interactivity. Introduction to the first international workshop"; Proceedings International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies 2003; pp.399 - 402, Computer Science Press, Trinity College Dublin Ireland.
- C. Roda, A. Angehrn, T. Nabeth, L. Razmerita (2003) "Using conversational agents to support the adoption of knowledge sharing practices" Interacting with Computers 15(1), 2003, pp. 57-89, Elsevier.
- T. Nabeth, A. Angehrn, C. Roda (2003) "Enhancing Knowledge Management Systems with Cognitive Agents (Améliorer les Systemes de Gestion de la Connaissance avec des Agents Cognitifs)." Systèmes d'Information et Management, 2(8), 2003. 2002
- T. Nabeth, A. Angehrn, C. Roda (2002) Towards personalised, socially aware and active Knowledge Management System; Proceedings: E-2002 e-Business and e-Work Annual Conference, Prague; Prague, Czech Republic 2000
- T. Nabeth, and C. Roda (2002) Intelligent agents and the future of identity in e-society; Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Report; Special issue on Identity & Privacy September 2002
- P. Damaskopoulos, C. Roda, K. Nicolopoulou (2002) "Organizational Capital as a Strategic Field of Corporate Action" Proc. 5 th World Congress on Intellectual Capital – January 16 – 18, 2002 – Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 2001
- C. Roda, A. Angehrn, T. Nabeth (2001) "Matching Competencies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge Sharing: An Intelligent Agents Approach" Proc. 7th International Netties Conference, September 2001, Fribourg, Switzerland, pp. 931 - 938.
- A. Angehrn, T. Nabeth, L. Razmerita, C. Roda (2001) Presentation of the "Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies (CALT) of the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD)" Proc. IHM-HCI 2001 Conference, September 2001, Lille France, pp. 256 - 260.
- A. Angehrn, T. Nabeth, L. Razmerita, C. Roda (2001) "K-InCA: Using Artificial Agents for Helping People to Learn New Behaviours" Proc. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2001), August 2001, Madison USA, pp.225-226.
- C. Roda "Teaching HCI across the curriculum" (2001) 4th Workshop on effective training and education in HCI", April 2001, Edinburgh 2000 and earlier
- C.Roda "A multi-agent system for advising and monitoring students navigating instructional Web sites" in Proc. 4th World Multiconference on Systemic, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2000) and 6th International Conference of Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS 2000) - Special session on Cooperative and Distant learning. July 2000, Orlando Florida Vol.1 pp.505-509
- C. Roda "Review of: "Software Agents" Jeffrey M. Bradshaw Editor AAAI Press / The MIT Press" in The Knowledge Engineering Review 14(2), pp.181-185 Cambridge University Press 1999
- T. Wittig Editor "Archon, an architecture for multi-agent systems" Ellis Horwood Series in Artificial Intelligence 1992. (Contributor)
- C. Roda, N.Jennings, E.H. Mamdani. "The Impact of Heterogeneity on Cooperating Agents" (postscipt) Proc. AAAI Workshop on Cooperation Among Heterogeneous Intelligent Systems, Anaheim, CA, July 1991.
- C. Roda et. Al."The Cooperation Framework of ESPRIT Project ARCHON", Proc. Fourth RACE TMN Conference, Dublin, Ireland, November 1990. pp. 144-153
- C. Roda, N. Jennings, E.H. Mamdani, "A Cooperation Framework for Industrial Process Control", in Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems 1990, S.M. Deen Editor. Springer Verlag Publ, London 1991.pp. 95-109
- F. Mariani, C. Roda, G. Valeriani, "Integrazione di Basi di Conoscenza e di Dati in Ambito Fianziario" (Knowledge Base and Data Base Integration in a Financial System), Sistemi & Impresa, Este Publ, Milano, N.312, May 1990. pp. 562-566.
- F. Mariani, F. Pianesi, C. Roda, G. Valeriani, "CR.E.S. Credit Granting Expert System: un Sistema Esperto per la Consulenza Al Credito" (CR.E.S. Credit Granting Expert System: an Expert System Adviser for Credit Granting), Proc Third National Congress on Logic Programming, Italy,.1988.
- C. Roda, "Scienze dell' Informazione e scuola dell'obbligo" (Computer Science in Primary Schools), Insieme, Italy, N.5/6, 1984
- C. Roda, "Inserimento dell' Informatica nella Scuola" (Using Computer Science in Primary Schools), Part 1: Insieme N.1/2, Part 2: "Insieme" N.3/4, Italy, 1984 For more information please see Prof. Roda's personal page.
Conferences & Lectures
- Panelist: Nations United? Global AI Governance Initiatives at AI Governance Global 2024 conference, organized by the International Association of Privacy Professionals. 4-5 June 2024, Brussels
- Panelist: Tackling bias and championing inclusion at Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Futures Conference, organized by Expertise France and the Agence française de développement (AFD). Paris, March 26, 2024
- Panelist: AI for Good: Fantasy or Reality? at the conference on Artificial intelligence, Regulation and Human Rights, organized by the Agence française de développement (AFD). Paris, January 30, 2024 (Conference video)
- Invited speaker: The discrete and lucrative charm of attention technologies, 15ème colloque 2023, Recherches sur l’attention et sciences historiques, November 10 2023 (Video)
- TEDxLaPosteBSCC Matière(s), talk on Attention, numérique, et dématérialisation. 1.4.2019
- Roda Claudia, Natalie Heisler, and Nicole Santiago. “Submission to the UN Human Rights Business and Human Rights in Technology Project (B-Tech). Comments on Draft Scoping Paper for Consultation on Applying the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to Digital Technologies,” 2019.
- Roda Claudia, Susan Perry, Nicole Santiago, and Annika Johnson. Submission to the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council. Comments on New and Emerging Digital Technologies and Human Rights. October 2019
- Closing lecture: Digital tightrope: Use and abuse of perceptual technologies - Scientific meeting on Perceptual technologies: from laboratory to real life at the Laboratorio di Azione, Percezione e Cognizione, San Raffaele 1.6.2017
- Panelist: L’attention humaine face au numérique – Digital Society Forum, Orange; July 1 2015
- Seminar: A roadmap of attention studies - Invited seminar at: Attention(s) aux internautes ! - Institut des sciences de la communication du CNRS, Paris France May 11 2015
- Panelist: Privacy-by-design to Privacy-by-Operation - Cyber Security and Privacy Innovation Forum, Brussels 28-29 April 2015
- Seminar: Attention automatisée et design d’interface : Eyes tracking, GoogleGlass et Quantified Self – Le design de l’attention: Création et Automatisation - Institut de recherche et d’innovation Centre Pompidou and Biennale internationale de design de Saint-Etienne 24 March 2015
- Lecture: Privacy Motivation – Privacy Training Workshop 9-10 March 2015, Ulm University, Germany
- Interview: Le design de l'attention (digitalsocietyforum) 26.11.2015
- On BBC-World The Forum: about interruptions - Jan 2015
- Panelist: Privacy in Computer Science Education – Computer, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) Conference 2015 (video recording)
- Privacy-by-design Issues: Supply Chain, Multiple Jurisdictions, Training (PRIPARE ) Requirements for training material - CYBER SECURITY & PRIVACY FORUM 2014 , (CSP FORUM) ATHENS: 21-22 May 2014
- The role of attention in human computer interaction – Invited seminar at the Laboratoire Adaptations Travail Individu (LATI) Institut de Psychologie Henri Piéron - Université Paris Descartes, February 4th 2014
- L’attention dans l’interaction homme-machine : de quelle attention parlonsnous, au juste ? L’économie de l’attention au carrefour des disciplines – colloque international (International Symposium on The attention economy at the crossroads of disciplines) Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3-4 octobre 2013
- Online rights: analysing user expectations across borders at the Internet and Jurisdiction meeting on What is the Geography of Cyberspace? Cross-border Internet, national jurisdictions and the quest for appropriate frameworks . Centre Pompidou, Paris, April 30 2013
- Interview with CBC radio, Spark – Attentive Computing – June 2012
- Submission to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child - General Comment on the Rights of the Child and the Business Sector. With S. Perry and K. Carlson, August 2012
- Social Media Week : Education and Privacy – February 10th 2011
- Attention based scaffolding in technology enhanced learning environments Symposium on Computerized scaffolding of Self-Regulated Learning: Interdisciplinary Advances - University of Amsterdam (UvA) November 25th 2011
- Cognitive science informing the design of attention aware social systems (with Thierry Nabeth) Workshop on “Management and Governance of Online Communities” 27 May 2010, Paris Organized by Pierre-Jean Benghozi Orange’s Chair Innovation and regulation in digital services of the Ecole Polytechnique, and Télécom ParisTech
- Interview with Radio France International in connection with a feature on “Smartphones: Changing the way we communicate” - December 23rd 2008
- Attentive Agents for Collaborative learning - Cost B27 meeting 2006, Skopje Macedonia. April 2006
- Learning and Attention at ICT 2006, Helsinki Finland - Networking session on "Learning and Cognition in Human and Machines". November 2006
- Regular reviewer for ACM Computing Reviews (since 2004).
For more information, please see Prof. Roda's personal website.
Awards, Fellowships & Grants
AUP Awards
2007 - Board of Trustee Award for Outstanding Research and Publications
2021 – Provost Award for Innovation in Interdisciplinary Study
2023 – Graduate Student Government Association Award for Excellent Faculty
Project collaborator: GaSP: Private and Shared Gaze: Enablers, Applications, Experiences; supported by the Academy of Finland with a grant of €781K - 2015-2018 (more)
Partner leader: project “PRIPARE: PReparing Industry to Privacy-by-design by supporting its Application in Research” CSA-SA FP7, €1.1M 2013-2015 (Cordis archive) (more)
Principal Investigator: “Interacting with ebook readers in academic environments” Amical Small Grant – “Transformative Improvement” objective. €1500 Sept-Dec 2012 (more)
Principal Investigator (with Stefania de Kennessey, Dean Eugene Lang College, The New School, NY) for the AUP/Lang cooperative agreement supported by a grant of $700K by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 2010 – 2012 (more)
Project participant: “XPERO” supported by a grant of €1.5M by the European Community FP6 Information Society Technology (IST) Programme, contract No. 29427. 2006-2009 (Cordis archive) (more)
Partner leader: project “AtGentive: Attentive Agents for Collaborative Learners”, supported by a grant of €1.6M by the European Community FP6 Information Society Technology (IST) Programme, Contract No. 27529. 2005-2007 (Cordis archive) (more)
Principal Investigator: “Cultural conditioning and multi-cultural experience as mediators in the perception of digital media” sponsored by the AUP-lab 2006-2007 (more)
Principal Investigator: Mellon Faculty Pedagogical Seminar grant for the organization of a seminar on Future Technologies for Teaching and Learning Spring 2004
Project participant: INSEAD – Center for Advanced Learning Technology (CALT)- XEROX project K-InCA: Knowledge Management Intelligent Conversational Agents. 2000-2002 (more)
Leader work-package on multi-agent communication: ESPRIT project ARCHON (Distributed Artificial Intelligence applied to Process Control Systems) P-2256. 1989 - 1991 (more)