The American University of Paris is committed to supporting the professional development of its students. Professional experience in the form of an internship can be a fantastic way to apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom, to expand on that knowledge, and to build a more competitive CV or resume. In addition to these benefits, students who complete internships learn about themselves. They discover novel jobs and industries. They confirm their longstanding curiosity or interest in a given field, or perhaps realize that what they imagined as their dream job is actually not a good fit. Internships are powerful in that they enable students to explore interests, jobs and industries before finishing a degree.

To help you prepare to apply and obtain an internship in line with your education and your potential future career options, our experienced career mentoring professionals are available to meet with you and offer personalized assistance in the form of career planning, internship and employment search strategies , cover letters, curriculum vitae/resume preparation, interview techniques, salary negotiation skills, internship approvals and processing, and overall support during internships.
The Career and Internship team also runs a program of workshops and events throughout the academic year, including the Career Fair, a great place for students to put themselves out there and begin projecting themselves into future career options.
We know that internships are important, transformative experiences, and it just so happens that AUP graduate students are doing amazing things.

Lauren Urbanek
Lauren Urbanek, a student on the MA in Global Communications program, has been interning with the nonprofit American Friends Musées d’Orsay et de l’Orangerie (AFMO), immersing herself in the Parisian art world, meeting inspiring artists and philanthropists, and touring exclusive gallery spaces.

Niha Reddy
Niha Reddy, who holds a Master’s in Global Communications, went on to complete an internship as Editorial Coordinator for Content Coopérative, an English-native content agency, before working her way up to the role of Copy Director in New York City, at King & Partners, a Brand Strategy and Marketing Agency with headquarters in the UK.

Adam Cohen
Adam Cohen, following his Master’s in International Management, began an internship at UNESCO, where his main duties included contribution to the design of advocacy tools and materials to support private sector resource mobilization, contribution to the development the donor database, participation in the preparation of presentations and of meetings with donors and partners, and involvement in communication activities.

Daniel Catalan
Daniel Catalan, who holds a Master’s in Global Communications went on to complete an internship on the Editorial and Corporate Content team in the PAC [Public Affairs & Communications] directorate of the OECD, before launching his own company offering career services to other future professionals as well as freelance writing services.