Writing and Publications

AUP has a strong history of literary production and student-led publications, dating back to its earliest days. Today, the University continues to support this tradition with many opportunities for students to engage with professional writers, to work with faculty in publishing collective works and to contribute to AUP publications. 

These publications include a wealth of  journalistic, academic and creative endeavors published by student organizations that often afford graduate students the opportunity to take on leadership roles as a member of an editorial board or as mentors for undergraduate students.

AUP community members are great writers and have a lot to show for it. Across campus, graduate students, undergraduates and faculty collaborate to produce both academic output and creative contributions for a wide variety of student- and faculty-led publications across the University. 

Whether it’s student zines, faculty journals or the AUP Magazine, these publications are a vital means for showcasing the full range of voices in our campus community. 

Many of these publications distribute print copies on campus, but you can find links to digital copies below.

AUP’s Writing Lab is here to support you across disciplines and at all stages of the writing process.  

Our tutors will encourage you during your 30-minute sessions to try out new strategies and experiment.  

The Center for Writers & Translators has as its mission the promotion of literary activity, especially where that relates to the practice of translation – translation taken in its broadest sense. The Center galvanizes the already active literary culture at AUP: through talks and lectures with international guests; through sponsorship of literary events across campus; and through its publication of the Cahiers Series.

Learn more about the Center

AUP Magazine

Published by AUP’s Office of Communications, the AUP Magazine covers the latest events, stories and developments from across the university community, including from our global alumni network.

AUP Magazine 2023

Peacock Magazine

Published once a semester, the Peacock Magazine is a student-run print publication representing the voices of AUP students. Tackling topics such as diversity, technology and current events, the magazine provides an outlet for writers and artists to engage with the issues most important to students on campus. The full archive is available online.

Peacock Plume

The Peacock Plume is the web publication platform of AUP Student Media, responding to current events in Paris and beyond with student journalism. Tied into several courses in journalism and global communications, the Peacock Plume is co-curricular by definition and showcases a wide range of voices in the AUP community. New articles are uploaded regularly, so head over to the website to start reading.

Exclusively run by AUP students, Plume offers unique leadership opportunities for graduate students to get involved. Graduate students systematically hold the role of Editor in Chief and the main communications roles often belong to students enrolled in the Master’s in Global Communications.

Peacock Play 

ASM’s video arm showcases the best student filmmaking from across the University, combining video journalism with infotainment videos, often about life in Paris. Like its written counterpart, Peacock Play also ties into certain course requirements. Check out the latest content on the Peacock Play YouTube channel.


Roaches is a militant zine connecting revolutionary queer, feminist and race theory with creative activist projects. Tied to AUP’s Gender, Sexuality and Society program, the magazine showcases both academic and creative writing alongside art and design, providing an inclusive platform for students to speak about gender, race and LGBTQ+ issues. As well as producing physical copies, Roaches publishes online

Hibou Magazine 

Hibou Magazine is a student-run publication tied to the History, Law and Society undergraduate program. The magazine covers academic inquiry alongside creative writing and poetry across varied topics. It’s a project designed to hold the University to account and to encourage student writers to develop their skills. Visit the Hibou website to find out more. 

Creative Works


Paris/Atlantic is AUP’s student-led publication for the literary and creative arts, originally founded in 1982. It showcases work from students alongside contributions from faculty, staff and friends of the University. It aims to provide an opportunity for aspiring professional writers and artists to share their work with the AUP community. Alongside printed copies distributed on campus, the journal is also published digitally. 


Dépaysants is an arts and culture magazine run by AUP students. It aims to give creatives at AUP a digital platform to share their work in order to develop professional artistic portfolios. Contributions cover a broad spectrum of the arts, including photography, fashion, written journalism and video. It is a representation of the creativity of the AUP community, shaped by Paris, through the lens of community diversity. Visit the website to find out more. 

Faculty-Led Publications 

The Cahiers Series 

The Cahiers Series is a set of short books which make available new explorations in writing, in translating and in the areas linking these two activities. AUP’s Center for Writers & Translators publishes the Cahiers Series in association with Sylph Editions. You can purchase print copies on their website. 

Music & Literature 

Music & Literature is an arts magazine co-edited by Professor Daniel Medin of AUP’s Center for Writers & Translators. The magazine publishes works by critically acclaimed but underrepresented artists from around the world. You can find out more on the magazine’s website.

The Tocqueville Review 

Now nearly 40 years old, the Tocqueville review today falls under the remit of AUP’s Center for Critical Democracy Studies. Tackling transnational questions of politics and society, the journal encourages scholarly contributions on democratic practice and theory. 

Nature and Cultures 

Nature and Cultures is an online geographic magazine written by global explorers. Founded by Professor Oleg Kobtzeff, the journal showcases student and faculty academic contributions alongside republished third-party material. It ties closely into several classes across the University, most notably the Waters of the Globe class, which hosts student-produced resources on the magazine’s website.


Language Resources

Writing Lab

Because writing is an essential part of graduate study, AUP provides you with the academic resources you need to swiftly find the words you need. AUP’s Writing Lab supports all students –  from first year to graduate students – across the disciplines and at all stages of the writing process.   
Because good writing involves practice, risk taking, and revising, our tutors will encourage you during your 30-minute sessions to try out new strategies and experiment.  As the vibe in the Writing Lab is so far removed from that in the classroom, we want to ensure students feel free to engage in trial runs of ideas and approaches and to enjoy ‘making a mess.’

Working against the notion that “one size fits all,” AUP’s Writing Lab embraces individual differences and language confusions. What we do in the Writing Lab is as varied as the students who come in for appointments.

Discover the Writing Lab