Professor Day joins the faculty of the American University of Paris for the Summer of 2024. He has taught at Universities in the United States and China and is Associate Professor of English Literature at Saint Louis University's Madrid Campus.
Timothy Ryan Day's work focuses on the intersection of the creative and the academic. His academic work centers around Shakespeare with a particular focus on how the poems and plays continue to pervade our culture. His books include Outside Athens (Adelaide 2024), Shakespeare and the Evolution of the Human Umwelt (Routledge 2021), Big Sky (Adelaide 2020), and Green & Grey (Lemon Street 2019). Current projects include a novel and a collection of narrative scholarship on Shakespeare.
Research areas include:
Literature and Food
Narrative Scholarship
Creative Writing
PhD Arizona State University, 2016
Master Autonoma de Madrid, 2009
MA Saint Louis University, 2009
BA Northeastern Illinois University, 2006
Shakespeare and the Evolution of the Human Umwelt: Adapt, Interpret, and Mutate. London: Routledge. (2021)
Outside Athens. New York: Adelaide Books (May 2024)
Big Sky. New York: Adelaide Books. (2020)
Green and Grey. Madrid: Lemon Street Press. (2019)
“Frozen.” The Toucan 15. Pg. 3. Chicago: The Toucan. (2012)
“Skewed Horizons.” Apocalypse 12. pg. 52. Chicago: Apocalypse Literary Arts Coalition. (2004)
“The Wildest Stock.” Food and Literature. MLA (In Press)
“Immortal Codes: Genetics, Ghosts, and Shakespeare’s Sonnets.” Interdisciplinary Science Research. London: Routledge. (2023)
“The Forest for the Trees: Richard Powers’ the Overstory, Macbeth, and the Holobiont.” Ecozon@. Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022)
Review: Basura: Cultures of Waste in Contemporary Spain. Amago, Samuel. Charlotesville: University of Virginia Press, 2021. Published in Green Letters (2022)
Day, Timothy. “With Parted Eye: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Richard Powers’, Orfeo, and Biosemiotics” Green Letters. Vol 21. No. 3. London: Routledge. doi: 10.1080/14688417.2018.1512418. (2018)
Day, Timothy and Andrew Power. “Partiendo el Pan en Shakespeare.” Pan. Artesa Ediciones: Madrid. p. 78. (2016)
Translation: Garcia, Teresa and Garcia, Alberto. “Breathing with the Other: Ethics and Eco-socialist Perspective in the Poetry of Jorge Riechmann.” Ecozon@. Vol 6. No. 1. (2015)
Conferences & Lectures
“Trees as Metaphors, Trees as Family: Microbiomes, AI, and Diffraction in Ali Smith’s Autumn, and Shakespeare’s Titus Andonricus.” Conference of Three Societies on Literature and Science. (Birmingham April 2024).
“Apple to Apple and Bard to Bard: from Shakespeare to AI through the mythology of food.” The International Conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures and the University of Bucharest. (Bucharest 2023).
“Proud Cedars, Mutinous Winds: Coriolanus, the Microbiome, and the Holobiont.” British Society for Literature and Science Conference. (Edinburgh 2023).
“I See a Damaged Planet: Diffractive Reading, Biosemiotics and Reconstituting the Human through Shakespeare in HBO’s Station Eleven.” TVSERIES 2022. (Valencia 2022)
“Shakespearean Family Trees: A Diffractive Memoir of Metaphor, Literature and Genetics.” Tree Lines. (Maynooth 2022).
“Pursued by Gaps: The Winter’s Tale, the holobiont, and illusions of autonomy.” European Society for the Study of Literature. (Mainz 2022).
“Speaking from Beyond the Grave: Ghosts and Genetics in Shakespeare.” Swiss Association of Medieval and Early Modern English Studies. (Neuchatel 2022).
“Shakespeare’s Genesis: Poetry, Emergence, and Biosemiotics.” 4th International Conference on Science and Literature. (Girona 2022).
“Seeds: Media, Politics, Virality, and Text in Victor Conde and Amaya Galeote’s Macbeth.” Macbeth in European Culture. (Murcia 2022)
“A Gentler Scion: Katherine May’s Wintering, Shakespeare’s the Winter’s Tale, and Madrid’s Uncanny Winter Storm.” Nature and Narrative Conference (Madrid 2022).
“Pursued by a Bear: The Human and the Animal in Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale.” Midwestern Modern Language Association. (Milwaukee 2020). Accepted but could not attend.
“John Milton’s Paradise Regained as Response to the Black Legend of Spanish Cruelty.” SEDERI Conference. Universidad de La Laguna. (Tenerife 2021).
“Dystopia Now: Richard Powers’ The Overstory and Shakespeare’s Macbeth.” Revisiting Dystopia in Literature and the Visual Arts. (UCAM, Murcia 2020).
“Light and Enlightenment: Milton in Ian McEwan’s Solar.” Retaking Earth: From Nature Writing to Climate Change Fiction. Nova University (Lisbon 2020).
“Migrations: Butterflies and Shakespeare in Barabara Kingsolvers’s Flight Behavior” Midwestern Modern Language Association (Chicago 2019).
“Co-conspirators: invoking MacBeth in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake” Association for the Study of Literature and Environment-UKI. Plymouth University. (Plymouth, UK 2019).