Peter Hägel

Associate Professor, Program Coordinator for Philosophy, Politics & Economics, Department Chair


Professor Hägel, born in Germany, studied political science at Freie Universität Berlin, Columbia University and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Before joining The American University of Paris in 2006, he worked as researcher and consultant for the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, the German Bundestag, the European Commission, the House of Lords and other institutions. His research focuses on the intersections of comparative politics and international relations/political economy, and how transnational and global processes transform state sovereignty.

Hägel’s past research concerned the European Union’s regulation of the free movement of persons and capital, how states try to control cross-border flows under conditions of regional integration and globalization.

His latest project “Billionaires in World Politics” examined the political consequences of rising inequalities and asks questions about the agency of the ultra-wealthy in a sphere traditionally dominated by states and international organizations. The research findings were published as a book with Oxford University Press in 2020.

At AUP, Professor Hägel is coordinating the Philosophy, Politics & Economics major.


  • Dr. phil. (Political Science), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Dipl.-Pol. (equivalent of BA and MA), Freie Universität Berlin


Prof. Hägel's recent book, Billionaires in World Politics, has been reviewed by Luuk van Middelaar in NRC, and by Antoine Vauchez in la vie des idées.


  • "Le pouvoir des milliardaires philanthropes dans la politique mondiale". In: Lefèvre, Sylvain A./ Monier, Anne (eds) 2021: Philanthropes en démocratie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 59-70.
  • Billionaires in World Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
  • "Reichtum und Lebensführung: Wenn sich Milliardäre zur Weltpolitik berufen fühlen" [Wealth and Ways of Life: World Politics as a Vocation for Billionaires]. In: Röcke, Anja/ Alleweldt, Erika/ Keil, Maria/ Alleweldt, Erika (eds) 2019: Soziale Ungleichheit der Lebensführung. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 162-186.
  • Prof. Hägel's book, Billionaires in World Politics, has been reviewed by Luuk van Middelaar in NRC, and by Antoine Vauchez in la vie des idées.
  • "Transnationale Milliardäre: Super-Akteure, die die Welt verändern?" In: Alleweldt, Erika/ Röcke, Anja/ Steinbicker, Jochen (eds) 2016: Lebensführung heute: Klasse, Bildung, Individualität. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 204-235.
  • « Is debt a dangerous institution? », on books & ideas:, translated into French « La dette est-elle une institution dangereuse ? »,  on la vie des idées: (2013)
  • "Oligarchy within democracy?", on books & ideas,, translated into  French "Les milliardaires: une oligarchie dans la démocratie?" on la vie des idées,
  • "French Voters are Angry", The New York Times’ Room for Debate, November 27, 2011,
  • "Baby Steps vs. Big Reforms", The New York Times’ Room for Debate, April 23, 2012,
  • "Global Governance", Oxford Bibliographies Online: International Relations, Ed. By Cathal J. Nolan, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011
  • "Sovereignty", Oxford Bibliographies Online: International Relations, Ed. By Cathal J. Nolan. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011
  • "Transnational Actors", in: Oxford Bibliographies Online: International Relations, Ed. By Cathal J. Nolan, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011
  • "Standard-Setting for Capital Movements: Reasserting Sovereignty over Transnational Actors?" in Peters, Anne/ Förster, Till/ Koechlin, Lucy/ Fenner-Zinkernagel, Gretta (eds) 2009, Non-State Actors as Standard-Setters, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 351-378
  • "Cauchemars urbains: Gotham sur les écrans", in Peretz, Pauline (ed.) 2009, New York: Histoire, Promenades, Anthologie et Dictionnaire, Paris, Robert Laffont
  • "Après le « non » irlandais, quel avenir pour le traité ?" in Alternatives Economiques (15 June 2008)
  • "Allemagne: Européenne mais plus sûre d'elle", Alternatives Internationales, #36, September 2007
  • "La polémique sur le « lobby pro-israélien »", La vie des idées, #21, April 2007, with Pauline Peretz
  • "Comparative Methods and Sovereignty", two entries in: Austin Harrington/Barbara Marshall/Hans-Peter Müller (eds): Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, London 2006, Routledge
  • "States and Transnational Actors: Who’s Influencing Whom? A case study in Jewish diaspora politics during the Cold War", in: European Journal of International Relations , 11/4, 2005, with Pauline Peretz, pp. 467-493
  • "L’incertaine mondialisation du contrôle: La France et l’Allemagne dans la lutte contre la corruption et le blanchiment", in: Déviance et Société, 29/3, 2005, pp. 243-258
  • "Regieren ohne Souveränität? Neue Perspektiven zum Wandel einer umstrittenen Institution" [Governing without Sovereignty? New perspectives on a contested Institution], in: Berliner Journal für Soziologie , 15/1, 2005, pp. 121-130
  • Geldwäschebekämpfung durch die EU [Combating money laundering at the EU level], SWP-Studie S37, Berlin 2003: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
  • "La lutte anti-blanchiment d’argent menée par l’Union Européenne", Questions Pénales, 14/4, 2003/9
  • "Politique Internationale, Relations Internationales", in: Politix, 59, 2002, with Simon Raiser, pp. 121-125
  • Bleibt die größere EU sicher? Perspektiven der EU-Erweiterung im Bereich der Zusammenarbeit Justiz und Inneres [Will the enlarged EU remain secure? Perspectives of EU-Enlargement in the field of Justice and Home Affairs]. Expertengespräch am 21. Januar 2002 in der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin. Gesprächsbericht. Berlin 2002: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik/Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  • "Neuregulierung von Finanzdienstleistungen" in der EU: Aktuelle Trends und ihre Auswirkungen auf Märkte und Akteure [New regulations for financial services in the EU: Current trends and their consequences for markets and actors]. Forschungsbericht 02/003 (RIC/Y). Berlin 2002, DaimlerChrysler AG, with Ingo Rollwagen and Burkhard Järisch
  • “Über eine Migrationspolitik der Gemeinschaft” - Reflektion und Kritik [“A Community immigration policy” - Reflections and critique], in: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik , 2001/4 (with Christian Deubner), pp. 154-159
  • "Memorandum", in: A Community Immigration Policy. House of Lords, Select Committee on the European Union, Session 2000-01, 13th Report. London 2001: The Stationery Office (with Christian Deubner)
  • “Methoden im Wahnsinn?” Sozialwissenschaftliche Erklärungsansätze zu Nationalitätenkonflikten [“Methods in the madness?” Social science explanations of ethnic conflicts], in: Philipp Ther/Holm Sundhaussen (eds): Nationalitätenkonflikte im 20. Jahrhundert. Ursachen von inter-ethnischer Gewalt im Vergleich. Wiesbaden 2001: Harrassowitz, pp. 247-264
  • "Wenn Staatsgrenzen zu EU-Grenzen werden: Gefährdete Nachbarschaften in Osteuropa" [When state borders become EU borders: Endangered neighbourhoods in Eastern Europe]. Arbeitspapier 3125. Ebenhausen 2000: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (with Christian Deubner)

Conferences & Lectures

  • Bringing the Individual Back In’ – International Relations and the First Image, workshop at the ECPR Joint Sessions in St. Gallen (Switzerland), April 12‐17, 2011, paper and presentation “Billionaires In World Politics: Super-Agents Transforming Structures?”
  • Democracy: Its Dilemmas and Futures, 7th President’s Conference of The American University of Paris, 18 May 2009 in Paris (France), co-organizer (with Richard Beardsworth) and panel chair.
  • The Role of Universities in Building a Culture of Civic Responsibility, Interdependence and Prosperity, The Rwanda Roundtable/OTF Group, 19-20 March 2008 in Kigali (Rwanda), Roundtable speaker
  • Non-State Actors as Standard Setters: The Erosion of the Public-Private Divide, Basel Institute on Governance, 8-9 February 2007 in Basel (Switzerland), paper and presentation “States and Transnational Actors – Reasserting Sovereignty?”
  • Délinquances, Politiques de Sécurité et de Prévention - Recherches Comparatives Franco-Allemandes, Ifrési-CLERSÉ/CESDIP/Max-Planck-Society, 9-12 September 2004 in Fréjus (France), paper and presentation “The criminalisation of money laundering and corruption: Global and EU initiatives and the role of France and Germany”
  • Journées Histoire et Science Politique, Association Française de Science Politique, 4-6 March 2004 in Paris, paper and presentation on “Pour une relecture des relations entre États et acteurs transnationaux”
  • The Future of the European Union - Governance in the enlarged Europe, Charles University Prague/ Humboldt University of Berlin/Institut d’Études politiques Paris, 5-10 December 2001 in Berlin, paper and presentation “European governance: The concept’s usefulness, potential pitfalls, and hidden agendas”
  • EU Justice and Home Affairs in the Context of Enlargement, TAIEX Office of the European Commission (DG Enlargement) in co-operation with the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute, 30/31 May 2001 in Brussels, discussant in the panel “Cross-border movement of people: statistics, policies and prejudices”