Clone of Living Here (TEST)
Sed in ultricies nunc, sed vestibulum dolor. Fusce blandit est nec orci tempus maximus. Aliquam dui est, sagittis vitae ex sed, elementum elementum quam. Etiam convallis sapien quis lectus interdum scelerisque. Suspendisse id tellus at justo varius gravida vel sed ante. Suspendisse sodales sapien leo, sed pellentesque augue posuere sit amet. In varius molestie urna, placerat a. Sed nisl eget lectus laoreet, et blandit elit elementum. In bibendum nisl risus, ut pellentesque dui scelerisque vitae. Morbi id sagittis lorem.

Everyday Life & Costs
The cost of living in Paris varies greatly from person to person depending on personal lifestyles, accommodations, shopping habits and food choices. To help with financial planning, this page aims to provide some insights into how everyday life tends to function in Paris both on and off campus so students can plan accordingly in relation to their own personal situations. Different estimated budgets are provided, showing examples of “minimum essentials” to “average.”
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Hey I'm just some random text Hey I'm just some random text Hey I'm just some random text Hey I'm just some random text Hey I'm just some random text

Health & Wellness
In France, health has been considered an essential human right for nearly a century. Accordingly, it boasts one of the top healthcare systems in the world; largely surpassing that of the USA in every major ranking system (references 1, 2, 3). Upon their arrival in France, our students gain direct access to French social security benefits. They are also covered by a robust private insurance policy included in our tuition fees which ensures an added layer of safety as required by French law.
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One More Section Here
The cost of living in Paris varies greatly from person to person depending on personal lifestyles, accommodations, shopping habits and food choices. To help with financial planning, this page aims to provide some insights into how everyday life tends to function in Paris both on and off campus so students can plan accordingly in relation to their own personal situations. Different estimated budgets are provided, showing examples of “minimum essentials” to “average.”
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We partner with several of the major banks in France to make sure our students are able to open their first French bank accounts with an English-speaking representative during the first weeks of orientation. While these accounts are great for everyday transactions and EU wire-transfers, many of our students and alumni recommend using fintech services like Wise to make currency conversions.
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With the goal of becoming Europe’s greenest city by 2030, Paris is undergoing a shift towards “hyperproximity” where essentials like public transportation, grocery stores, and schools are all accessible within 15 minutes of a Parisian home. This not only reinforces its historical landscape of micro-village economies that help little shops and boutiques thrive, the wave of pedestrian spaces and bike paths has cultivated the use of sustainable modes of transportation that keep the city of light healthy and active.
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Taken by Charles Talcott in Warsaw, Poland

Cras hendrerit accumsan feugiat. Suspendisse sed tellus vel justo scelerisque dictum.

Sed elit ante, lobortis sit amet tincidunt quis, pulvinar et leo. Cras nec turpis auctor, auctor arcu quis, efficitur magna. Nunc euismod dui nulla, nec blandit nibh bibendum facilisis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque iaculis justo nec elit bibendum aliquet. Nulla diam turpis, volutpat id volutpat non, malesuada quis libero. Duis tempor, velit ut tincidunt pellentesque, diam lectus iaculis lorem, at sodales nisi sapien ultrices odio. Vestibulum tincidunt nunc neque, nec dictum elit tincidunt at. In nec lorem volutpat ligula tincidunt condimentum. Sed metus nisl, aliquam quis justo at, vulputate hendrerit eros.
Nullam gravida ornare enim vel tempor. Suspendisse condimentum tincidunt quam et laoreet. Curabitur blandit, tortor quis ultricies cursus, elit risus eleifend augue, in hendrerit velit tortor id arcu. Sed venenatis mi velit, dapibus ultricies orci pellentesque vitae. Morbi quis pharetra mauris. Ut condimentum velit porta nulla aliquam, vitae hendrerit lorem commodo. Aenean et lacus nec augue varius efficitur. Quisque id bibendum quam, id tempus eros. Pellentesque Leo erat, commodo nec hendrerit ut, condimentum quis ante. Integer a vehicula erat, at interdum Leo.
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Contact the Student Development Helpdesk
6, rue du Colonel Combes Paris 75007, France Tel. +33 1 40 62 06 30 | Yann Louis Student Services Tel. +33 1 40 62 06 30 |