Test Tabs
48 credits
General Track
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48 credits
Fashion Track
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
Learning Objectives
The courses in this program take advantage of the extraordinary breadth of faculty knowledge and expertise, in a curriculum always being adapted to meet emerging needs. We welcome students with a wide range of interests and provide expert academic and practical training on topics spanning:
- Communications Theory – from the development of the field and its major concepts and debates to the latest debates and challenges in a globalized world
- Digital Media Technologies – from the rise and promise of the Internet to the immersive networks of social media and ubiquitous computing devices
- Global Media and Media Systems – producing comparative knowledge of structures of ownership, control, influence and innovation
- Visual Culture – exploring the multivalent power of images and screens and practices of looking
- The Creative Industries – their increasing role in advertising and branding goods and services, and promoting and disrupting ideas and values

Developing Critical and Practical Skills
Across these areas of expertise, you will develop a toolkit of critical and practical skills to equip you for the varied and fast-moving communications landscape. Global Communications graduates move into the workplace with core competencies, such as research skills, qualitative and quantitative analysis, writing for different audiences, oral communication and presentation skills, and visual communication methods, including video, visual design, and data visualization.

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Master of Arts (MA)
Full-time or Part-time
Start Term
Fall or Spring
30 credits
Our programs
Transformative degrees for students seeking to master a chosen field.
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We live in a changing world. As developments in Big Data, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things transform the careers of the future, the world must develop concurrent principles for the ethical use of such technologies.
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Master of Arts (MA)
Full-time or Part-time
Start Term
Fall or Spring
30 credits
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