Quang Nguyen Luong
- Department(s) : Computer Science, Math and Environmental Science
- Graduate Program(s) :
- Office :
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At AUP, I am interested in working with students on various topics of astronomy, big data and Machine Learning. I have supervised students working on senior projects, directed studies, capstones on these topics. Don't hesitate to talk to me if you are interested in them, especially in astronomy. Directed study can be used to replace upper-level courses which are required for majors. I am teaching a few courses related to astronomy:
Science of the Universe (SC1099) (4 credits)
Astronomy (SC1030) with lab (4 credits)
Directed Study in Science (SC3900) (1 to 4 credits)
Directed Study in Radio Astronomy
Directed Study in Star Formation
Directed Study in Exoplanet
Directed Study in Optical Astronomy
Directed Study in Computer Science (CS3900) (1 to 4 credits)
Directed Study in Image Processing
Directed Study in Data Analysis
Directed Study in Machine Algorithm
Astrophysical Data Science (still under developed)
PRACTICUM: Observational Astronomy - 2 weeks observation at a telescope (still under developed)
If interested, students will also have the opportunity to work with telescopes remotely that I am using. Besides me, there are other astronomers who taught/are teaching at AUP as well:
Michael Mattern (star formation research at CEA Paris-Saclay)
Flavien Kiefer (exoplanet research at Observatoire de Paris)
At AUP, there is also AUP Astronomy Club, please join them here. https://aup.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/astronomyclub
I study the physics and chemistry of star formation, both the environment around the star nursery and the detailed structures of the young stars. I collect data from large telescopes and interferometers and apply data science methodology to probe the structure, astrochemistry, magnetic field, colliding clouds and low-velocity shocks of gas around star forming regions. I am also interested in understanding how astronomy has contributed to human development and how to use hands-on data science methodology to advance the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math subjects.
Prior to AUP, I was a lecturer at McMaster University, an EACOA Fellow at the Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), and a CITA postdoc Fellow at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA).
- PhD. in Astrophysics, CEA Saclay & University Paris Diderot, France, advisor: Frederique Motte & Marc Sauvage (Nov 2008 - Jan 2012)
- Msc. in Astrophysics, University of Bonn, Germany, advisor: Jes Jorgensen (Oct 2006 - Oct 2008)
- Bsc. in Aerospace Engineering, Technical University Delft, the Netherlands (Sep 2003 - Sep 2006)
- Baccalaureate, Nguyen Du specialized highschool, Vietnam (Sep 1998 - Sep 2001)
ALMA-IMF. VI. Investigating the origin of stellar masses: Core mass function evolution in the W43-MM2&MM3 mini-starburst
Pouteau, Y.; Motte, F.; Nony, T. and 35 more, 2023A&A...674A..76P
The SEDIGISM survey: Molecular cloud morphology. II. Integrated source properties
Neralwar, K. R.; Colombo, D.; Duarte-Cabral, A. and 21 more, 2 2022, A&A...663A..56N2022/07
The SEDIGISM survey: Molecular cloud morphology. I. Classification and star formation
Neralwar, K. R.; Colombo, D.; Duarte-Cabral, A. and 22 more, 3 2022, A&A...662A...9G2022/06
ALMA-IMF. II. Investigating the origin of stellar masses: Continuum images and data processing
Ginsburg, A.; Csengeri, T.; Galván-Madrid, R. and 50 more, 4 2022, A&A...662A...8M2022/06
ALMA-IMF. I. Investigating the origin of stellar masses: Introduction to the Large Program and first results
Motte, F.; Bontemps, S.; Csengeri, T. and 61 more5 2021, ApJS..256...25T2021/10
Molecular Cloud Cores with High Deuterium Fractions: Nobeyama Mapping Survey
Tatematsu, Ken'ichi; Kim, Gwanjeong; Liu, Tie and 36 more, 6 2021,ApJ...920..126E2021/10
Which Molecular Cloud Structures Are Bound?
Evans, Neal J., II; Heyer, Mark; Miville-Deschênes, Marc-Antoine and 2 more, 2021,ApJ...920..126E2021/10
For a full list of my publication, please find them in this short url (not a spam): https://www.shorturl.at/ejm18
Conferences & Lectures
SOC/LOC, Star formation in different environments series: SFDE (2016), From local clouds to galaxies (2017), ICISE, Quy nhon, Vietnam
SOC, Windows on the universe: 25th annuversary of the Rencontres du Vietnam, ICISE, Quy nhon, Vietnam
SOC, Cosmic Cycle of Dust and Gas in our Galaxy: from old to young stars, ICISE, Quy nhon, Vietnam
Secretary of advisory board, Vietnam Astronomy Development workshop, Quy Nhon
SOC/LOC, CITA National Fellow Meeting
Awards, Fellowships & Grants
Simons Foundation - Target Grant to Institutes
Three consecutive years IAU funding award “Bring Astronomy to Remote Area in VN” (2013,2014,2015)
EACOA Postdoctoral Fellowship (2014-2016)
CITA Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012-2014)
CFR – CEA Saclay PhD Fellowship (2008-2012)
Bonn International Graduate School Master Fellowship (2006-2008)
University College London Dean’s scholar for summer research (2006)