Mirjam Dageförde

Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics
  • Department(s) : History and Politics
  • Graduate Program(s) :
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  • Personal website : https://www.mirjamdagefoerde.eu


Mirjam Dageförde is a researcher and author on failing representation, the relation of citizens and politics, party politics and inequality with a focus on Europe; France and Germany in particular.

She is currently Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics at the American University of Paris and an Associate Researcher at Sciences Po Paris and at the WZB (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Center for Civil Society Research).

Previously, she worked as a Lecturer at Freie Universität Berlin (Department of Social and Political Science). She holds a PhD from Sciences Po Paris. While completing her PhD, she was awarded a Max Weber Fellowship at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence and was an OxPo Fellow at the University of Oxford, Nuffield College & Department of Politics and International Relations. She was also chercheuse invitée at the Paris School of Economics (invited by Jean-François Laslier and Thomas Piketty). 

Mirjam Dageförde has an interdisciplinary background, holding degrees in Political Science, Economics and Empirical Social and Political Analysis.


  • Ph.D., Political Science, Sciences Po Paris
  • Master of Arts, Social and Political Empirical Analysis, University of Stuttgart
  • Bachelor of Arts (double-degree), Political Science and Economics, Ruhr-University Bochum


"The conflict of human values in Europe", lecture on invitation of the Fondation Saint Omer Valeurs Transatlantiques, AUP, February 2025.

France 24 "The Debate", TV, panel debate on the outcome and implications of the German election results for the country, the French-German relations, Europe and international politics, February 2025.

Jérôme Lang, Jean-François Laslier, Mirjam Dageförde (2025): Élections : pourquoi la proportionnelle à l’allemande devrait inspirer la France. In: The Conversation France. 20 février 2025.


  • Dageförde, Mirjam (2024): Do they get close? Party shifts and changes in parliamentary congruence on multiple issue dimensions in the wake of the crises. In: Representation 60 (3): 507-533.
  • Dageförde, Mirjam (2024): Repräsentation und das Verhältnis von Bürgern und Politik in Deutschland und Frankreich. In: Die Gesellschaften Europas und ihre Zukunft. Ein Blick auf die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Frankreich Jahrbuch 2023. Eds: Deutsch-Französisches Institut Ludwigsburg; Stefan Seidendorf. Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 185-204.
  • Dageförde, Mirjam, Emiliano Grossman (2020): Why are citizens satisfied with public policies (or not)? Paris, Sciences Po. (Policy book)
  • Dageförde, Mirjam, Danny Schindler (2018): “‘Oh, That Is a Big Word.’ MPs’ and Citizens’ Perspectives on Parliamentary Representation”. In: Gabriel, Kerrouche, Schüttemeyer (eds.): Political Representation in France and Germany: Activities of MPs and Views of Citizens. London: Palgrave, 197-226.
  • Dageförde, Mirjam, Corentin Poyet, Eric Kerrouche (2018): “Substance or behavior as links? Explaining representational judgments”. In: Gabriel, Kerrouche, Schüttemeyer (eds.): Political Representation in France and Germany: Activities of MPs and Views of Citizens. London: Palgrave, 227-245.
  • Brouard, Sylvain, Elisa Deiss-Helbig, Mirjam Dageförde (2018): “Do candidates’ ethnic background and gender matter? An experimental approach”. In: Gabriel, Kerrouche, Schüttemeyer (eds.): Political Representation in France and Germany: Activities of MPs and Views of Citizens. London: Palgrave, 309-339.
  • Dageförde, Mirjam (2016): “Concepts of congruence and European’s evaluation of representation. A micro-level analysis”. Cahiers européens de SciencesPo 03/2016, 1-21. 
  • Dageförde, Mirjam (2014): “Zwischen Entfremdung und Verständigung: Interaktionsmuster zwischen Bürgern und politischer Elite im deutsch-französischen Vergleich” [Alienation and communication: modes of interaction between citizens and the political elite in a French-German comparison]. In: Heidenreich, Mineur, Schulz (eds.): Die Bürger und ihr Staat in Deutschland und Frankreich. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 119-130.
  • Dageförde, Mirjam (2013): “Weit entfernt vom ‘idealen Abgeordneten’? Zu Normen und Praxis parlamentarischer Repräsentation aus Sicht der Bürger” [The ‘ideal representative’: norms and practices of parliamentary representation from citizens’ perspective]. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 44 (3): 522-534.
  • Dageförde, Mirjam (2013): “Ideologische Kongruenz, Parteiidentifikation und Policy-Präferenzen. Das Beispiel der Gesundheitspolitik der 16. Legislaturperiode” [Ideological congruence, party identification and policy preferences: the example of health policy in the 16th legislative period]. In: Gabriel, Trüdinger (eds.): Einstellungen zu Reformen des Sozialstaates in Deutschland: Reformbereitschaft und Reformakzeptanz der Deutschen. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 137-158.
  • Dageförde, Mirjam, Elisa Deiss-Helbig (2013): “Die Unterstützung des Parlaments: Bestimmt durch die Arbeit von Abgeordneten oder den Zugangs der Bürger zum politischen System? Ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich” [Support for parliament: driven by the work of MPs or by the nearness of citizens to the political system? A French-German comparison]. In: I. Keil, Thaidigsmann (eds.): Zivile Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie. Aktuelle Ergebnisse der empirischen Politikforschung.Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 387-412.
  • Gabriel, Oscar W., Jürgen Bauknecht, Mirjam Dageförde (2013): “Die Einstellungen der Bundesbürger zur Reform des Sozialstaates als Bestimmungsfaktoren der Parteipräferenz” [Germans’ attitudes towards reforms of the welfare state as a predictor for party preferences]. In: Bernhard Weßels, Gabriel, Schoen (eds.): Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2009. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 174-205.
  • Dageförde, Mirjam (2012): “Wahlkampfkommunikation” [Election campaigning]. In: Gabriel, Westle (eds.): Wählerverhalten in der Demokratie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 275-295.

Conferences & Lectures

  roundtables, among others: 
  • Roundtable participation “Successful citizens’ assemblies. Thoughts for Germany with Art O’Leary, Chief Executive of Ireland’s Electoral Commission”, Bertelsmann Foundation & Irish Embassy, Berlin.
  • Roundtable participation “Tackling Democracy Challenges: polarisation, disinformation and citizen alienation”, with Andreas Norlén, Speaker of the Riksdag (Sweden), Bertelsmann Foundation & Swedish Embassy, Berlin.
  • Public interview with José Manuel Barroso, “Leaders beyond the state”, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute. Florence.
  • invited lectures/talks, among others: 
  • Paris School of Economics (PSE),
  • Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow (cancelled)
  • Freie Universität Berlin (FU)
  • Fondation Saint Omer - Valeurs Transatlantiques
  • German Historical Institute Paris (DHIP)
  • Université Libre de Brussels (ULB),
  • Sciences Po, Winter School, methods section
  • University of Twente


Associate researcher Sciences Po Paris and Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB; Berlin Social Science Center, Center for Civil Society Research) 

Member of the Democracy Forum, European University Institute, Florence

Awards, Fellowships & Grants

Max Weber Fellowship, European University Institute / European Commission
OxPo Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Oxford & Sciences Po Paris
OxPo Doctoral Fellowship, University of Oxford & Sciences Po Paris
DFG grant, international cooperation
Fellowship, Max Weber Stiftung
Research Fellowship, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Centre Marc Bloch
“European Excellence Program”, German Academic Exchange Service
“Excellence Program”, Baden-Württemberg Foundation
DFH/UFA (French-German University)