Michel Broue

Senior Lecturer
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Professor Michel Broué is a Senior Lecturer at AUP for August-December 2019. He is Emeritus Mathematics Professor at the University of Paris, Member of the Institut Universitaire de France, Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy for Arts and Sciences. He has been the Director of the Mathematics and Computer Department of the Ecole normale supérieure de Paris (1985-1993), then Director of the Institut Henri-Poincaré (1999-2009).

He is an algebraist, a specialist of Representation Theory (Finite and Algebraic Groups, Algebras). He is also very active in vulgarisation of Mathematics.


Agrégation de Mathématiques (1969) Doctorat de 3ème cycle de Mathématiques (Université Paris 7, 1970) Doctorat d'Etat es-Sciences (Université Paris 7, 1975)


(1978) M. Broué, Radical, Hauteurs, p-Sections et Blocs, Ann. of Math. 107, 89–107. (1979) J.L. Alperin, M. Broue, Local Methods in Block Theory, Ann. of Math. 110, 143–157. (1980) M. Broué, Ll. Puig, A Frobenius theorem for blocks, Invent. Math. 56, 117–128. (1990) M. Broué, Isometries parfaites, types de blocs, categories d´erivées, Astérisque 181–182, 61–92. (1993) M. Broué, G. Malle, Zyklotomische Heckealgebren, Astérisque 212, 119–189. (2001) M. Broué, Reflection Groups, Braid Groups, Hecke Algebras, Finite Reductive Groups, Current Developments in Mathematics 2000, Harvard University, Internat. Press (Boston). (2009) M. Broué, Higman criterion revisited, Michigan Math. Journal 58, pages 125–179. (2010) [Book] M. Broué, Complex Reflection Groups and their Braids, Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1968, 138 pages. (2013) [Book] M. Broué, Some Topics in Algebra, Springer, Mathematical Lectures from Peking University, 201 pages. (2014) M. Broué, G. Malle, J. Michel, Split Spets for primitive reflection groups, Astérisque 359, pages 1–146. (2018) M. Broué, R. Corran, J. Michel, Cyclotomic root systems and bad primes, Advances in Mathematics 325, pages 375–348. (2018) [Book] M. Broué, On Characters of Finite Groups, Springer, Mathematical Lectures from Peking University, 246 pages.


Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
Membre Senior de l’ Institut Universitaire de France