Marine Chaleroux

Junior Lecturer


Marine Chaleroux has been teaching cultural history of fashion and clothing at the American University of Paris since 2023. As a PHD student at Angers University (TEMOS-CNRS), she studies women's emancipation in the french fashion press of the 1920's and 1960's.

In 2022 she organized the symposium "Itinéraires de la Garçonne" at the University of Angers and integrated to editorial committee of Musea, a website on Women’s history that proposed a diverse panel of online exhibitions. 

Since 2015, she teaches fashion and clothing history in several Parisian fashion schools and art history at the Ecole du Louvre. 

She is currently preparing an online exhibition on Interwar Couture houses lead by women for Musea website. 


ART HISTORY MASTER’S DEGREE Paris Ouest University and Scuola Normale superiore di Pisa, 2010 HISTORY BACHELOR’S DEGREE Paris Ouest University, 2009 BACHELOR’S DEGREE Ecole du Louvre, 2008 LECTURER (Guide-conférencière nationale) BACHELOR’S DEGREE, Marne-la-Vallée University, 2014, Disability speciality


« Dans les années folles, une mode féminine encore très corsetée », The Conversation, 18 janvier 2023 - To be published : Co-publication with Christine Bard and Bruna Holderbaum: Symposium proceedings : « Itinéraires de la garçonne : scandalisation, adaptations et exportations », Angers University, September the 16th and 17h, 2022

Conferences & Lectures

CONFERENCE PAPERS : “Jouer à la garçonne” ou l’invention d’un nouveau type féminin dans la presse de mode, Symposium : « Itinéraires de la garçonne : scandalisation, adaptations et exportations », Angers University, September the 16th and 17h, 2022