Lissa Lincoln
- Department(s) : Psychology, Health and Gender
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Professor Lincoln is a scholar of French Theory and Literature whose interdisciplinary research explores the problems articulated around the questions of normativity and social justice. She is the Director of the Gender, Sexuality and Society program, housed in the department of Psychology. Her work in feminist and post-colonial theory, 20th century continental philosophy and Law and Literature are all informed by an interest in the interrelationship between judgment, power and morality and the intersecting politics of race, class, caste, gender and sexuality that shape them.
- PhD, French Literature and Theory, McGill University, Canada
- MA, French Literature, University of Alberta, Canada
- BEd, French Language and Literature, University of Alberta, Canada
- “Law, Literature, Morality: Michel Foucault and a Geneaology of Judgment” in Re-reading Foucault: On Law, Power and Rights, Ed. Ben Golder, Routledge, 2012.
- “Deleuze and Camus: Strange Encounters” in Deleuze and Law, Eds. Laurent de Sutter and Kyle McGee, Edinburgh University Press, 2012.
- “L’Ethique de l’artiste revolté” in Camus, la philosophie et le christianisme, Eds. Hubert Faes et Guy Basset, Les editions du cerf, 2012.
- “Justice Imagined: Albert Camus’ Politics of Subversion” in Law and Humanities, Special Issue Law and Literature, vol. 5, Oxford, Hart, 2011.
- “Discours du juste ou juste un discours?” in Camus in the 21st Century Eds. Christine Margerrison, Marke Orme and Lissa Lincoln, Amstermdam, Rodopi Press, 2008.
- “Jugement et justice dans La Chute de Camus”, in Imaginer la loi, Eds. Antoine Garapon and Denis Salas, Michelon, Paris, 2008.
Conferences & Lectures
- “Albert Camus and a Politics of Subversion,” (Key-Note Speaker), University of Mumbai, and the Indian Council of Social Research, International Conference Revisiting Camus commemorating the 50th anniversary of the author’s death, 24-25 March, 2010.
- “L’Ethique de l’artiste,” Institut Catholique, Paris, International Conference on Camus and Philosophy, March 15-16, 2010.
- “Globalizing (In-)Justice: Albert Camus’ Subversion of the Law,” Harvard University, American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) conference, March 26-28, 2009.
- “Uncertain Justice: The Politics of ‘Creating Dangerously’,” Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities (ASLCH) annual conference, April 3-4, 2009.
- “Law, Literature, Morality: axes of judgment” University of Leicester School of Law, UK, Critical Legal Conference (CLC), annual conference, September 11-13, 2009.
- “Justice Imagined: A Transmutation of Values,” (Invited Speaker) Villa Vigoni, Italy, Dialogues on Justice, European Perspectives on Law and Humanities Conference, October 19-22, 2009.
- “Law’s Madness, Strategies of the Renegade,” University of Glasgow School of Law, Critical Legal Conference (CLC), annual conference, September 5 -7, 2008.
- “Foucault’s Law,” (Invited Panelist), School of Law, Birkbeck College, University of London, Critical Legal Conference (CLC), 14-16 September, 2007. Invited lectures
- Invited lecturer, Manipal University, Centre for Humanities and Philosophy, Manipal, India “Law, Literature and Philosophy: The Case of Gilles Deleuze”, January 4, 2013.
- Invited lecturer University of Mumbai, India, Department of French and Department of English and Cultural studies, Lecture Series on Law, Literature and Foucault, January 7-12, 2013.
- Invited lecturer, University of Mumbai, India, Department of French and Department of English and Cultural Studies, Lecture Series on Camus and Law, February 25 – March 3, 2012.
- Invited speaker, Ecole nationale de la magistrature, Paris, “Droit, justice, litterature”, April 2, 2011.
- Invited participant in roundtable discussion, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, “Law as Literature, Interpretation and Beyond” Nordic Network for Law and Literature conference, October 2-4, 2008.
- Invited lecturer, Ecole nationale de la magistrature, Paris, “Droit et Litterature”, April 4, 2007.
- Invited lecturer, University of Westminster Law School, London “(Un)Arrested Justice : Re-reading Camus,” February 15, 2006.
CIEPFC, La République des savoirs (USR 3608)
Advisory Board, Edinburgh Critical Studies for Law, Literature and the Humanities
Research Fellow, The George and Irina Schaeffer Center of the Study o Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention
British Association for South Asian Studies
Dalit Research Network