Lauren Lydic
- Department(s) : Comparative Literature and English
- Graduate Program(s) :
- Office : G-110
- Office hours : by appointment
Professor Lydic’s interdisciplinary research focuses on conflict, memory, power, and gender in Anglophone, Francophone, Russophone and (ex-)Yugoslav literatures, film, and art. Broadly, Lydic’s areas of interest revolve around the discursive production of local and transnational knowledges during and after violent conflicts; intersectional issues of gender, race, class, sexuality, and dis/ability; and cross-cultural adaptations, appropriations, and translations.
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, University of Toronto, Canada
M.A. in Comparative Literature, University of Toronto, Canada
B.A. in Comparative Literature, Smith College, USA
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Lydic, Lauren. “‘Noseological’ Parody, Gender Discourse, and Yugoslav Feminisms: Following Gogol'’s ‘Nose’ to Ugrešić’s ‘Hot Dog on a Warm Bun.’” Comparative Literature 62.2 (May 2010): 161- 78.
Lydic, Lauren and Bertrand Westphal. Le silence et la parole au lendemain des guerres yougoslaves. Limoges: Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2015.
Book Chapters
Lydic, Lauren. “Metaphor, Metalepsis, and the Colonial Library: Deconstructing Inyenzi and Ubuhake Metaphors in Gil Courtemanche’s A Sunday at the Pool in Kigali and Julien Pierce’s Speak, Rwanda.” Bearing Witness: Perspectives on War and Peace from the Humanities. Eds. Sherrill Grace, Patrick Imbert, and Tiffany Johnstone. Montréal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2012. 53-65.
Lydic, Lauren. “La métaphore de pont, ou les reconstructions de la mémoire en Bosnie-Herzégovine.” Le silence et la parole au lendemain des guerres yougoslaves. Ed. Lauren Lydic et Bertrand Westphal. Limoges: Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2015.
Lydic, Lauren. “Un compte-rendu du vernissage de Memory Lane.” Le silence et la parole au lendemain des guerres yougoslaves. Ed. Lauren Lydic et Bertrand Westphal. Limoges: Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2015
Lydic, Lauren and Bertrand Westphal. “Avant‐propos : Eschyle en route pour Sarajevo.” Le silence et la parole au lendemain des guerres yougoslaves.
Ed. Lauren Lydic et Bertrand Westphal. Limoges:
Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2015.