Isabella Gardner



Professor Gardner teaches Italian with a focus on helping students acquire the fundamental elements of spoken and written Italian. She seeks to initiate students to Italian culture and civilization by involving them in conversation, exhibitions and fashion shows in Paris, with study trips in Venice, Naples and Florence.

In the first semester Gardner and her students start with simple phrases using past, present and future tenses. In the second semester they start working on more elaborate grammatical structures using the conditional and subjunctive. Students also study aspects of the Italian literary heritage with excerpts in the original from Dante, Pirandello, Moravia, Machiavelli, and others.


Diploma of Translation and Interpretation (1980), School of Translation and Conference Interpretation. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.


Editor, Passerelle: Richesse et Diversité (2013) Editor, Le Commun Culturel entre la France et Le Monde Arabe (Editions de La Martinière, 2012) Editor, Qatar Message (monthly on Qatar Embassy website) Editor in Chief, Qatar Sport Magazine (2011) 20,000 copies .

Conferences & Lectures

Curator art shows “Ethical Fashion or Eco-chic: Green is the new black." Aesthetics and engaged consuming now go together: the old clichés of ethical fashion have disappeared for good. Fashion is opening up to a new economy, a new philosophy for a society which is proud to consume respectfully, while savoring the luxury of the unique and desirable. (Parsons 2005) Fund raiser and co-curator of art event “A Timeless Montage of Being and Conflict,” Parsons School of Design. Brought four Texan artists to France. Edited full bilingual color catalogue. Show covered by French press and TV. (September 2004). Co-curator, Galerie Beckel Odille Boicos, Paris for the exhibit “Visage,” featuring the works of Anthony Palliser, Jennifer Lund and William Utermohlen (March 2005). Co-curator, Galerie Beckel Odille Boicos, Paris for the exhibit, “East-West” (February 2006).