Elizabeth Kinne

Associate Professor


Professor Kinne has been living, studying, and teaching in France for over twelve years, her undergraduate and graduate work including many transatlantic journeys. Having focused on romance languages as an undergraduate, she specialized in French and English medieval literature in graduate school and received a dual PhD in French and Women’s Studies from The Pennsylvania State University in Spring 2013. Her dissertation, “Persuading the Polity: Authority, Marriage, and Politics in Late-Medieval France” studies the interrelatedness of gender and politics in conduct literature for women during the Hundred Years’ War. She has been at AUP since 2010 where her writing and literature courses often discuss gender, sexuality, and the construction of knowledge.  She has taught French language and literature in the United States and English language and literature at several French institutions.Her medieval research interests include the Old French fabliaux, Arthurian literature, conduct literature and women’s writing. As a gender scholar, she explores questions concerning women in the military. She also provides translating, interpreting, research, and consulting services for French government agencies.


PhD in French and Women's Studies, The Pennsylvania State University


‟Les écrits didactiques pour femmes et le double discours du désir au Moyen Age” In CLIO, Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés. Erotiques. 31/2010. pp. 135-152.‟Waiting for Gauvain: Lessons in Courtesy in L’Âtre périlleux” Arthuriana. A  Lagniappe Festschrift in honor of Norris J. Lacy, 18.2 (Summer 2008), pp. 55-68.“Rhetorical Reasoning, Authority, and the Impossible Interlocutor in Le Vilain qui conquist paradis par plait” in Kristin L. Burr, John F. Moran and Norris J. Lacy (ed.), The Old French Fabliaux: Essays on Comedy and Context., North Carolina and London: McFarland, 2007, pp. 55-68.

Conferences & Lectures

Participant in a round table “Guerre et Paix: Luttes de Femmes” Rencontre Femmes d’histoire, February, 2013, Le Mans.“A Woman at War: Caxton’s Translation of Christine de Pizan’s The Boke of Fayttes of Armes and of Chyvalrye” Conférence du Centre d’Etudes Médiévales Anglaise 2009, le 26-27 mars, 2009, Université de Paris IV, Sorbonne.‟De « l’estat » à l’altérité: Ecrits sur le mariage à la fin du Moyen Age” Séminaire M1 Histoire du Genre sous la direction de Violaine Sebillotte-Cuchet et Anne Hugon, Université de Paris Sorbonne I, January 19, 2009.‟The Political Orthodoxy of Eustache Deschamps” 16th International Medieval Congress, July 13-19, 2009, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds.‟Locating Folly: Eustache Deschamps’s Miroir de mariage and the Fate of a Nation”, ‟Locating Gender,” Gender and Medieval Studies Conference 2009, January 8-10, 2009, King’s College, London.‟Un drôle de ménage: Le Ménagier de Paris and Problems of Social Identity in Fourteenth-Century France” 41st Annual International Medieval Congress, May 4-7, University of Western Michigan, Kalamazoo, MI.‟Fertility and Family Values in Chrétien de Troyes’s Perceval ou Le Conte du Graal” 39th Annual International Medieval Congress, May 6-9, University of Western Michigan, Kalmazoo, MI.‟Fame and the Perils of Chivalry in Boccaccio’s Teseida delle Nozze d’Emilia”, ‟Literature, Film and War” 15th Annual Conference of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Spring 2004, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY.‟A Twist of the Tongue, a Turn of Fortunes: the Art of Rhetoric in the Old French Fabliaux”, ‟Tropologies” Conference of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Spring 2003, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY.