Clone of Visa & Permissions
Vital Visa Info
Non-EU students must obtain a French student visa from a local French consulate. Depending on country, this may include registering with Campus France and attending a visa appointment at a consulate or VFS Global Center.
After confirming enrollment, US students will receive specific instructions on applying for their student visa through Campus France USA and VFS Global from their Admissions Counselor.
Students that will be under 18 on arrival should contact their Admissions Counselor for instructions. Minors may need to apply for a “mineur scolarisé” (school-going minor) visa which requires a different application process.
EU nationals must submit a valid national ID or passport.
You must be aware that:
▪ All students who do not have a valid European Union passport or ID card and who plan on studying longer than 90
days in France must obtain a long term student visa.
▪ Student visas are only issued to students studying full-time (a minimum of 12 credits per semester).
▪ You should start your visa process early. However, it is best to get instructions on how to do so from your admissions
counselor first.
▪ It is illegal to enter France on a tourist visa (the C visa- Court Séjour Circulation is not accepted) with the intention of
staying longer than three months.
Register With Campus France
Some countries, including the US, are required to submit an online application with a French national agency called Campus France. Only after completing your Campus France registration can you formally apply for your visa at your French consulate or VFS Global Center.
Find a list of which countries use the Campus France procedure on the France-Visas website: EFF Procedure Countries
How to find the Campus France website for your country of residence:
▪ Go to To change the language setting, click on the flag icon in the top right corner (or click
the globe icon go to directly to Campus France USA).
▪ To change the location setting, click on the Globe in the right corner to find your Campus France country page. Click on the
link to your country to bring you to the homepage. If your country is not listed, contact your local French consulate or embassy
for further instructions.
▪ When you click on the website link, you should see a new page with the flag and name of your country of residence on the top.
▪ Follow the instructions provided on your Campus France website. The process varies depending on the country in which you
currently live. If you have any questions, first refer to the FAQ’s at the bottom of the Campus France website. If you don’t find
the answer there, contact your Campus France office for more information.
Obtain Your Student Visa
You must apply for a student visa through the French Embassy or Consulate in your home country. This is done online on the France-Visas website. In some locations, you must apply through Campus France before making your appointment. In the US, students must have their Campus France application processed first (3-week or 3-day expedited processing time), and visa appointments are made through VFS Global. Visa appointments should take place less than 3 months but more than 1 month before arriving in France. Appointments fill up quickly in many locations, so make your appointment as soon as you can.
Documents Required For Your Student Visa
French authorities usually require the following documents:
Visa Application form: dated and signed. This is generated on the France-Visas webpage.
Official Acceptance Letter: which includes a section written in French, that you receive in your AUP acceptance packet. This document also includes the address in Paris that you should use for your visa application.
A financial guarantee: in most countries, this is a notarized letter from your parents or your bank certifying that you will have a minimum monthly income as specified by your local French consulate, you can request a template from our admissions office. Loan Students can also provide details about their student loans; you can request a letter from our admissions office.
Bank Statements: in addition to the financial guarantee letter, students may need to provide up to 3 months of bank statements for their Financially Responsible Person’s accounts. These SHOULD NOT be business accounts.
Proof of health insurance: this is the Certificat d’Assurance that is included in your AUP acceptance packet.
Passport photos: number specified by your local French consulate.
Passport: (valid for at least 3 months after your term at AUP).
Campus France Confirmation: this is an email stating that your application has been processed.
Applicable Price: you will need to pay your visa fee.
You may also be asked for :
Your flight reservation (or the flight you plan to reserve).
Proof of accommodation in France (use the address provided in your Official Acceptance Letter).
French consulates and embassies
▪ Students in the U.S. can find their nearest consulate by visiting the French Embassy website.
▪ Students in other countries can find their nearest consulate or embassy by visiting the French Foreign Ministry’s website.
▪ Students should use the France-Visas website to fill out their visa application and book their visa appointment at the appropriate location.This can be a VFS Global Center (US) or other agency, and may be the French Consulate/Embassy.
▪ Please note that a student visa is not automatically granted to all nationalities. Consult your local French consulate/ embassy for further information and remember to keep your admissions counselor informed if problems arise.
What Type Of Visa Is Required?
Non-EU students staying for one year or longer
All non-EU students must apply for a long-stay student visa (stamped with the letter “D”) to legally study in France. This student visa, which will allow multiple entries, can be valid for 3, 6, or 12 months and must be validated within 3 months of arrival in France, in order to legalize your stay on French Territory.
For students over the age of 18 who intend to stay in France for one year or longer (including first-year, transfer, two semester-visiting, and graduate students), please make sure that your “D” visa has the code “CESEDA R311-3 6° VLS-TS”.
Students under 18 may be given a minor long stay visa: “Visa pour Mineur Scolarisé.”
Visiting students staying for one semester
Visiting students who intend to stay in France for only one semester will be issued a temporary long-stay visa (“Long Séjour Temporaire /Dispense Temporaire de Carte de Séjour”).
Please note that a temporary long-stay visa cannot be extended while you are in France. If you would like to extend your stay in France, while still maintaining your student status, you must return to your country of residence over the Christmas (or Summer) holidays, in order to apply for a long-stay student visa at your local French consulate.